
BreezeCard Has Gone Digital

people looking at the breeze pass on a phone
BreezeCard has gone digital

The Breeze Card has been replaced with a trendy new Breeze Pass which is a digital pass that sits on your phone giving you some pretty cool discounts, VIP experiences, priority bookings and offers to venues, events and different activities across the city and West Yorkshire.

It costs £5 per year* and gives you tons of savings.

Once you have the Breeze Pass on your phone you will be notified of the latest Pass Perks which are constantly being updated and growing – some of the awesome Perk Partners we have on board are Planet Ice, Puttstars, LaserZone, Locked in Games, Eureka, 4D Golf and many more.

The Breeze Pass is for young people aged 0-19yrs and is there to help give access to sports, arts and culture to children and young people across the city. As well as making lots of activities cheaper it also gives the chance to experience VIP offers and activities that are only for Breeze Pass members.

For more information and how to apply for your Breeze Pass visit

* young people on free school meals are entitled to a FREE breeze pass.