If you are having difficulty with your family history research then join our team of family history librarians at the Central Library for a free consultation: from first steps using Ancestry to more advanced queries, we're on hand to help.
We can primarily assist with family history in the Leeds and West Yorkshire area; the consultation is open to anyone, however, as we may be able to offer general advice depending on your circumstances.
Please book one 30-minute slot - we may be able to see you for longer than 30-minutes depending on customer demand on the day, but the session may have to end at the end of the period if we have other bookings. You can book another session on another date if you think you will need extra assistance.
You only need to book once ticket per enquiry - i.e. if you are coming with another family member and both have the same question please only book one ticket.
The consultation will take place on the 2nd Floor of the Central Library in the Local and Family History department. If you are unable to attend in-person but still require a consultation, please call our department on 0113 37 86982 and ask to speak to a Librarian.
Leeds Central Library
Municipal Buildings
Calverley Street
United Kingdom