
If You're API And You Know It

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The Leeds Inspired website has been up and running for just over 12 months now and our first year has seen the website grow rapidly. Over 3,000 events have been uploaded during that time and with nearly 500 event organisers adding information to the website we expect this figure to increase in 2013. Its great that this collaborative approach has allowed us to offer our website visitors a brilliant range of cultural events taking place in Leeds.

We are pleased to now be in a position where we are able to provide a Leeds Inspired API (Application Programming Interface) to make the Leeds Inspired events data available to other blogs, websites and apps. This will allow registered subscribers to the API to obtain Leeds Inspired data in a standardised way and we hope that this syndication of our data will result in events appearing in more places and being seen by more people. By releasing the API we are would like to develop our collaborative approach further and look forward to sharing ideas about how the data could be used creatively.

To register for the API and to read our terms and conditions please go to or email Abby Dix-Mason for more info